NASA Discovers New Planet System Similar to Our Own

NASA and Google have announced the discovery of new planets, one of which makes for the discovery of the first other solar system to have at least eight planets, like our own.

After teasing the announcement earlier this month, the companies revealed Google’s artificial intelligence software discovered an additional planet to the already known Kepler-90 star system. The software used machine learning to go through old data collected by NASA’s Kepler telescope and find the new planet, which has been named Kepler-90i.

According to Business Insider, Kepler-90i appears to be a small, uninhabitable, hot, rocky planet, positioned third from the sun, which was originally missed by astronomers due to having a weak signal.

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5 New Shows to Watch in Early 2018

There were some excellent new series in 2017, but now it’s time to look ahead to 2018. Specifically, the first few months of the year. With television networks and streaming services pumping out tons of new content, we decided to take a look at 5 new dramas that we’re excited to see in early 2018.

Counterpart is a sci-fi thriller starring Academy-Award winner J.K. Simmons (Whiplash). Simmons plays Howard Silk, a man working a dead-end job at the Berlin-based United Nations spy agency. Everything in Howard’s life appears normal until he discovers that there is another dimension with another Howard living in it. Watching two very different versions of J.K. Simmons should be a delight.

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The Church in the Darkness: 10 Minutes of Cult-Infiltrating Stealth Gameplay

All month long we’re highlighting cool games that might not be on your radar, as part of IGN First: Games to Watch in 2018.

Today’s game is The Church in the Darkness, a 1970s-set action-infiltration game where you are sneaking into a South American cult. In the video above, writer/director Richard Rouse walks you through two different styles of gameplay.

To see all the Games to Watch in 2018 as we roll them out over the month, be sure to head over to our IGN First Hub Page.

Ryan McCaffrey is IGN’s Executive Editor of Previews and Xbox Guru-in-Chief. Follow him on Twitter at @DMC_Ryan, catch him on Unlocked, and drop-ship him Taylor Ham sandwiches from New Jersey whenever possible.

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The Most Impactful Deaths in the Netflix MCU

Netflix’s corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe tends to be much darker and drearier than what we see in Marvel Studios’ films. It’s a world where death lurks around every corner. Whether hero or villain, it seems like every character in these shows is haunted by death in some way. Either that, or they eventually die themselves.

With that in mind, we thought it would be interesting to look at the most significant deaths in the Netflix MCU series. These aren’t all necessarily major characters, but each of these deaths has had a profound impact on the heroes and storylines in these shows. Beware of spoilers for all of these shows!

Marvel’s The Punisher is the most recent addition to Netflix’s Marvel lineup. Check out our review of the first season and then learn more about the character who looks to be a major villain in Season 2.

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Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episodes Ranked From Worst To Best

From Worst To Best


Game of Thrones’ seventh season was a rollercoaster. Fully untethered from the source material provided by George R.R. Martin’s novels, the show often felt like–and pretty much has become–the realization of a fan’s wildest dreams. Characters like Daenerys “Dany” Targaryen and Jon Snow, separated in years past, finally met; long-awaited battles were fought that dramatically change the balance of power between warring rulers; the trio of dragons made its way to Westeros to bring destruction to their master’s enemies; and theories that were percolating for decades were confirmed or denied.

It shouldn’t be surprising, considering all of this, that season 7 was also one of the most uneven of the show to date, full of some of the highest highs and lowest lows of HBO’s television adaptation. We’ve gone through it, episode by episode, to point these out.

Here our ranking of the episodes of Game of Thrones season 7, from worst to best.

7. Episode 6: “Beyond the Wall”

The penultimate episode of the season is mostly taken up with Jon and friends’ strange decision to trek into the frozen north in order to retrieve a “living” wight that can be presented as evidence of the looming threat to naysayers at King’s Landing. Things, of course, go awry, and we end up watching characters inexplicably warp across great distances in order to facilitate a showdown in which one of Dany’s dragons is lost to the White Walkers. Messy and rushed, this episode doesn’t end well for anyone involved, fictional characters or viewers.

Best Moment: The Undead Polar Bear In The Storm

Regardless of anything else, the appearance of an undead polar bear in the middle of a snowstorm is a great, frightening scene.

Worst Moment: The Sudden Dragons

Geography is important to Game of Thrones. The movement of armies–their speed in getting from place to place–has a great impact on the strategies of the world’s warring factions. “Beyond the Wall” discards any consideration for even the faintest realism for the sake of a cheapened surprise moment: Dany arriving with her dragons just as Jon and his comrades are about to be overtaken by the White Walkers.

6. Episode 5: “Eastwatch”

An episode mostly focused on moving various pieces into position for plot developments to come, “Eastwatch” doesn’t have much to recommend it. A few good moments don’t make up for an hour of television that plays out more like a lavishly produced Wikipedia summary than interesting drama.

Best Moment: Tyrion And Jaime, Reunited

The rapid pace of Season 7 didn’t leave much room for the kind of quiet character interactions that make up many of Game of Thrones’ best moments. Fortunately, “Eastwatch” requires a scene in which brothers Jaime and Tyrion meet in secret, allowing for a tense moment carried not by action or plot revelations, but great dialogue and acting.

Worst Moment: Arya Finds Sansa’s Traitorous Letter

It’s important for one of the finale’s plot twists that Arya and Sansa find themselves at odds after their initial reunion, but the script never fully justifies why the two sisters are so willing to distrust one another. Arya’s anger at finding the letter Sansa was coerced to write after their father’s death, urging Robb to stop his rebellion, is one of the worst moments in a bad plotline.

5. Episode 1: “Dragonstone”

The season began with an episode that was mostly concerned with setting the table for everything else to come. Characters arrive at new destinations or we catch up with where they were when the previous season ended. While not necessarily bad, the premiere wasn’t exactly exciting.

Best Moment: Dany Returns To Westeros At Last

Readers and viewers alike have been teased with Dany’s return to Westeros for a long, long time. The opening of Season 7 finally saw her arrive, coming ashore on the island of Dragonstone and setting in motion the much anticipated open war between her forces and those of the reigning House Lannister.

Worst Moment: Arya Poisons The Freys

While seeing the two-faced Frey family finally receive their comeuppance for facilitating the Red Wedding is great, Arya’s disguise is far too silly to give the scene of long-awaited revenge the gravity it deserves.

4. Episode 7: “The Dragon and the Wolf”

Season finale “The Dragon and the Wolf” is packed with surprises. From Cersei’s faked alliance with Jon and Dany to the arrival of the White Walkers–and their undead dragon–at the quickly-destroyed Wall, the show ended on a cliffhanger that’s making the continued wait for Season 8 very difficult.

Best Moment: Dany And Jon, Together At Last (Ew)

Dany and Jon’s romance had to become reality at some point and, in this episode, it did. It also happened to coincide with the long theorized revelation that they’re also related. Confirming Jon’s stakes-changing parentage is a huge moment. Pairing the reveal with a scene of him having sex with his aunt is as hilarious as it is shocking.

Worst Moment: Sansa And Arya’s Littlefinger Plot Is Revealed

The scene in which Sansa and Arya show that they were only acting like they were, for some reason, going to murder each other in order to set up Littlefinger is among the worst of the season. Defying everything we know about the two characters up until this point just to spring a finale plot twist is one of the clumsiest writing decisions in the show to date.

3. Episode 3: “The Queen’s Justice”

“The Queen’s Justice” sees Dany and Jon meet for the first time, leading to an unexpectedly tense exchange between two powerful rulers with mutual goals. The episode also features a surprise Lannister victory over the Highgarden armies, which is shown a bit too quickly to hold the dramatic impact such a huge turn of events deserved. Still, there are several great moments in this early episode.

Best Moment: Olenna Gets The Last Word

Having captured the indomitable Olenna Tyrell, Jaime grants her a merciful death rather than return her to his ruthless sister. Far from being cowed by her impending death, Olenna uses her last minutes of life to finally reveal to Jaime that she was responsible for the death of his son. It’s a great character moment and one of the most cutting instances of revenge in a show packed with them.

Worst Moment: Bran’s Grown Up To Be A Complete Jerk

Bran’s return to Winterfell and reunion with his sister Sansa should be a heartwarming moment. Instead, Bran is now depicted as an insufferable, cold-hearted jerk after his mind-opening voyage beyond the Wall. He speaks in vague sentences like a first-year university student who just completed an Intro to Philosophy class. His change in character should be an interesting development, but it’s too much of a departure from what came before to feel in any way natural.

2. Episode 2: “Stormborn”

After a fairly dull premiere, “Stormborn” gets Season 7 moving. Dany begins forming the strategy she hopes will win her the Iron Throne, Jon’s summoned to an audience with her, we see Arya beginning her journey back to Winterfell, and the first major battle of the new season takes place. A good balance of intimate dialogue and large-scale action makes this one of the best episodes of the year.

Best Moment: The Sea Battle

Though the direction of the ship-to-ship fighting is a bit too disorienting to work as well as it should, Yara and Theon’s confrontation with their bloodthirsty uncle Euron is as brutal and tense as it ought to be. The final moments in which a terrified Theon flees his defeated sister in a crucial moment is heartbreaking, too.

Worst Moment: The Scab Cure

So gross it almost wraps around to being good, Sam’s experimental greyscale treatment results in a grotesque scene in which removing the giant, rocky scabs infecting poor Jorah’s flesh results in some of the grossest practical effects of the entire show.

1. Episode 4: “The Spoils of War”

While most of this episode is a competent continuation of plot threads introduced by the season so far, it ends in one of the most grandiose combat sequences the show has ever seen. At long last, Dany’s army fights a battle against Westerosi forces and the result is stunning.

Best Moment: A Chaotic Battle

The scale of the battle that ends “The Spoils of War” is immense. Thundering horses and a fire-breathing dragon create a believable sense of complete chaos and terror. Jaime and Bronn’s actors do a wonderful job selling the utter fear of being suddenly confronted with a creature out of legend, and their actions in the fight to come, both brave and reckless, help humanize what could’ve been a hollow special effects showcase.

Worst Moment: The Surprise Army

Though the ensuing battle makes it worthwhile, the sudden approach of Dany’s dragons and Dothraki army is goofy enough to start the scene off on the wrong foot. You don’t have to be a stickler for realism to think it’s still pretty silly that a few hundred charging horses couldn’t be heard at least a little bit further in advance.

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Tech We Want In 2018

Tech We Want In 2018

Technology is ever evolving, and it’s an industry that moves fast. While 2017 brought us a slew of new tech toys that include the Xbox One X, Nintendo Switch, and more, there’s still a lot of hardware that we want that hasn’t hit the market yet. We’ve compiled a list of components and gadgets that includes advances in displays, VR, AR, GPUs, and more that we hope to release in 2018.

Nvidia Volta GeForce GPUs

Nvidia recently launched its $3,000 Titan V GPU based on the company’s new Volta micro-architecture. The card is capable of delivering 110 teraflops of performance, but it’s prohibitively expensive and is designed for data scientists. Hopefully the Titan V paves the way for Volta-based GeForce cards geared towards gamers in 2018. We’re hoping that it maintains the Titan V’s efficient 12nm manufacturing process along with the newer high-bandwidth memory 2 (HBM2) video RAM. Nvidia claims that Volta is twice as power-efficient as the company’s Pascal architecture, so it sounds really promising from a performance perspective.

HDR OLED Gaming Monitors

Companies like Asus, Acer, and Dell have teased HDR monitors in 2017, but there aren’t many options out on the market at the moment. HDR OLED gaming monitors, which can provide true black levels with their individually backlit pixels, are non-existent. While you can purchase 4K HDR TVs today, hopefully 2018 brings HDR OLED gaming monitors to the fold. The colors and contrast that they would offer would be a very welcomed option.

Project Santa Cruz From Oculus

We first heard about Oculus’ Project Santa Cruz headset when the company revealed it back in 2016. We got a glimpse of a newer prototype in October of this year. While no release date has been set, we’re hoping that Oculus releases it in 2018. What makes Project Santa Cruz special is that it’s wireless like Samsung’s Gear VR, but supports six degrees of positional tracking that the Rift offers. This means you’ll effectively be able to lean into virtual objects and get room-scale support without any external trackers.

AMD Ryzen 2 CPUs

AMD asserted itself as a true competitor once again in 2017 with the Ryzen family of CPUs. These processors offered unprecedented value and ushered in affordability for eight- and six-core CPUs. But AMD’s just getting started; the company is slated to roll out Ryzen 2 in 2018, which will be more efficient with a 12nm manufacturing process. The new chips will use the same socket type (AM4), and should support a wider variety of DDR4 memory speeds and even better overclockability.

Based on AMD’s CPU roadmap, we can expect new chips to hit the market by March. When it comes to PC gaming, Ryzen chips offer competent in-game performance while providing plenty of computational overhead for efficient streaming. Video producers get much more for their dollar with Ryzen’s multicore processors, making AMD the go-to manufacturer for those on a budget.

Wireless VR Conversion Kits

Because VR requires a low-latency signal to mitigate motion sickness, all the major VR headsets use cables, which is cumbersome. However, we’ve seen third-party devices from companies like TPCast, which allow headsets like the Vive to go wireless. There are reports that it interrupts the headset’s microphone, however, and initial reports suggest battery life isn’t great. What we’d like to see in 2018 is for companies like HTC and Oculus to officially release their own fully-supported attachments that will allow their respective headsets to go wireless.

Intel GPUs, Powerful Integrated Graphics

Intel has been making big moves in the GPU space lately. The company’s Iris integrated graphics tech and “Gen” architecture has been relatively strong, but having brought on AMD’s former head of the Radeon graphics division, it seems Intel is poised for something big in the graphics space in near future. The company could be trying to get back in the discrete market space after a 20-year hiatus there.

Of course it’s too early to say what Intel is up to with much certainty, and what the market would look like with a third major GPU manufacturer in the market. If you speculate based on what Intel is already doing, you may be led to believe that the company might try and significantly bolster graphics in notebooks.

AMD Vega Refresh, Mid-Range Options or Enthusiast-Level Card

Now that we no longer have to ‘wait for Vega,’ we can look to how AMD is going to make its next step after setting a strong foundation with its RX Vega 64 and RX Vega 56 GPUs. At the mid-range and budget-level, AMD offers the RX 500-series, which was a simple refresh of its older RX 400-series, but it’d be nice to see a more affordable Vega-architecture card in 2018. Considering that the Vega 56 is $400 MSRP, something cheaper would be much appreciated.

A refresh of the current Vega cards is also a good prospect. Both current models use a lot more power than their Nvidia competitors. Also, an AMD card to stand up to the GTX 1080 Ti seems plausible.

High Refresh Rate 4K Monitors

4K displays have become much more affordable in 2017. But while ultra-high definition displays went more mainstream, many PC enthusiasts have opted for high refresh rate monitors, trading in pixel count for higher performance. Refresh rate dictates the number of frames a certain screen can display at any second; high-end 1080p and 1440p monitors will have a 144Hz refresh rate instead of the standard 60Hz. As of now, 4K monitors on the market only reach 60Hz. High refresh rate 4K monitors would be the next step for displays in PC gaming.

However, there’s a bit of a catch. To take advantage of the hertz increase, your PC has to be powerful enough to produce those higher framerates. The only GPUs capable of high FPS in 4K are enthusiast-level cards (GTX 1080, RX Vega 64, GTX 1080 Ti), and even these GPUs sometimes struggle to maintain 60 FPS. 4K high refresh monitors would need to come out alongside the next generation GPUs for them to be truly worthwhile.

N64 Classic

Considering we got the NES classic in 2016, and the SNES Classic in 2017, it stands to reason that we’ll get an N64 Classic in 2018, or at least we hope. While the N64 didn’t feature the deepest game library in existence, it produced gems like Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Mario Party, and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The N64 also suffered from frame rate dips, but if Nintendo could re-release a tiny version of the console that irons out the performance issues so that all of its games would run at a consistent 60 FPS, that would be amazing. It should, of course, also support four controllers. The icing on the cake would be if GoldenEye 64 came with it, though that is admittedly a pipe dream considering the game’s rights have changed significantly since it came out in 1997.


When Microsoft initially revealed the HoloLens in 2015, the AR headset showed tremendous potential. It was able to project believable tracked holograms into living rooms without the need for external sensors. This meant you could see a little Minecraft cave etched into a wall or see virtual characters walking around a real house. Unfortunately, the headset has only been sold as dev kits for $3,000. We also haven’t heard much from Microsoft about it since. Hopefully 2018 will be the year Microsoft’s AR headset makes a resurgence and releases to consumers.

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