Crash Bandicoot’s unlikely career renaissance continues unabated. The former mascot’s Twitter account posted an amusing video of Crash and his sister Coco playing Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. This is presumably a reference to the fact that Uncharted developer Naughty Dog first became a household name thanks to the Crash series.
Great to see friends helping friends this Holiday Season! 😉 @Naughty_Dog @PlayStation
— Crash Bandicoot (@CrashBandicoot) November 30, 2020
While it’s nice to see PlayStation mascots enjoying each other’s games, this animation is seeded with unfortunate implications regarding the proximity of these game worlds and their canonicity. Is Nathan Drake simply a fictional video game star in the world of Crash Bandicoot? An Easter Egg in Uncharted 4 allows you to play the original Crash Bandicoot in Nate’s house, so it would appear that the reverse is true as well.
Thus, we find ourselves in an infinite recursion situation. DeviantArt artist KempferZero illustrates the matter well.